Strat-O-Matic is pleased to announce an exciting new feature to the Baseball Daily Windows game that will further enhance the realism of the product.
Previously, Baseball Daily was using the most recently used lineups to project lineups for each day’s game. The new “Dynamically Updated Lineups” feature offers many improvements over that method.
The game will now update your game’s lineups as new real-life information becomes available so that you can have the very latest lineups available when you play your games. There are three distinct points where new lineups become available and are updated:
1.) The initial lineups are determined based on the probable starters and the most recently used lineups for each team. Previously, we were using a formula to determine each team’s starters. Now we are using the club-announced probable starters. These are the lineups that are initially available at 11:00am (and often earlier) each day.
2.) About three or four hours prior to the start of each real-life game, the teams announce their starting lineups. Once those announcements are made, our lineups are updated to include that information.
3.) After the game officially starts, our lineups are updated to include any last-minute changes. These finalized lineups are normally available in our game within five minutes of the real game’s start.
Please note that if a player has not made an appearance in the actual Major League season, he will not yet have a card in Baseball Daily. As such, if a player is in the starting lineup and making his season debut, he will be replaced in the Baseball Daily starting lineup for that game only.
Perhaps the best part of this new lineup feature is that this change will be made retroactive to the first game of the season. In other words, if you wanted to go back and replay your favorite team’s season from Opening Day, you could do so using the exact ‘As Played’ lineups (with the exception of using rookies who don’t have a card for their first game).
For those who want to play out their favorite team’s schedule using the real-life ‘As Played’ lineups, Strat-O-Matic recommends playing your Baseball Daily game after the team’s game has started (i.e. the lineups are official), or waiting until the day after.
To access the new Baseball Daily lineup feature, please download the 2016g Update Patch.
To access the new Baseball Daily lineup feature, please download the 2016g Update Patch.