IMPORTANT: In order to guarantee holiday delivery we recommend that you order early. All orders placed by 9:00am ET (online or over the phone) will be shipped out the same day. Otherwise, orders will be shipped the day after they are received by Strat-O-Matic.
- If you are located on the West Coast, Monday, December 16th is the last day to place an order via FedEx Ground for guaranteed delivery before Christmas. We recommend expedited delivery if you place your order after this date to guarantee delivery before Christmas.
- The last day for anyone to place an order for delivery before Christmas is Monday, December 23rd. If you are not located in a 1-day shipping zone, you would need to select FedEx Priority Overnight as your shipping method.
- If you would like to place an order for pickup, our warehouse is located at 42 Railroad Plaza in Glen Head, NY. Warehouse hours are 9am – 4pm ET. Additionally, you can call our office at 1-800-645-3455 to see if any stores in your area carry Strat-O-Matic games.