Strat-O-Matic is thrilled to announce the release of its brand new official logo. Created by Katja Maas Design, the new Strat-O-Matic logo places a strong emphasis on the "-O-" in Strat-O-Matic. The -O- mark represents a bond between our long-time, loyal customers and our new generation of passionate sports gamers. The -O- also symbolizes the infinite possibilities of realistic game simulations and season recreations only made possible through Strat-O-Matic’s exclusive in-depth research and data. Look for our signature -O- in many different color schemes throughout the year, including on our brand new Strat-O-Logo Shirt, which will be available for pre-order with the rest of the new baseball products starting on Wednesday, January 21.
UPDATE (1/21/15): The Strat-O-Logo Shirt is now available for pre-order by clicking here.
UPDATE (1/21/15): The Strat-O-Logo Shirt is now available for pre-order by clicking here.

Get ready for another -O-mazing year with Strat-O-Matic!

ABOUT THE DESIGNER: Katja Maas attended Charles Rennie Mackintosh’s prestigious Glasgow School of Art in Scotland and worked for 10 years as an associate of the world-renowned graphic designer Milton Glaser, creator of the famous “I ♥ NY” logo.
Published: January 14, 2014
Published: January 14, 2014