- League Name:4G
- League Sport:baseball
- League Type:windows
- League Option:draft
- League Netplay:Netplay
- Number of Teams:18
- Number of Years:2
- League Contact:Brandt Mathews
- League Email:brandtmat@msn.com
Welcome to the Strat-O-Matic League Registry Page! On this page, you will find a list of Strat-O-Matic leagues throughout the country sorted by sport, league type and league option. For Windows Game leagues, there is also an option to specify whether or not the league uses Netplay. Feel free to browse through the different types of leagues and inquire about possible openings.
If you click on the blue “League Finder” button, you will be taken to a page where you can post any of the following items: a request to join a league in your area, an advertisement for an opening in your league, or an announcement of an upcoming Strat-O-Matic tournament.
*To have your league listed on the site, please send an email to corporateinfo@strat-o-matic.com with the following information: