The Funk Zone – July 2010

    THE FUNK ZONE     By Jeff Polman   July ruminations on my 1977 replay, Play That Funky Baseball (, and other Strat-O things

Great Moments in Strat – May, 2010

  GREAT MOMENTS IN STRAT   Have you experienced a game of Strat-O-Matic so thrilling, unique or bizarre that you just HAVE to share it with someone? That would be us. Send your Great Moments in Strat to Please include your name and hometown. Readers like to see that and you deserve the credit.

1958 On Deck for Classic Baseball

1958 On Deck for Classic Baseball   By Glenn Guzzo   Answering a frequently asked question, Steve Barkan reports that the 1958 season is the next classic baseball season he is researching. Strat-O-Matic expects to release the season sometime in 2011.