Negro Leagues

1910 Negro League Baseball Season Roster

$23.00In Stock
  • Giants Battle: Chicago Leland Giants dominate
  • Stars Galore: Wickware, Rube Foster, Pete Hill and others
  • HOF Preview: Rube Foster, Pete Hill, Pop Lloyd and other future HOFers
Full Summary

10 team league, offered as a Windows roster (no cards). Our focus shifts west in 1910 as Chicago had wrested the sepia baseball world’s attention away from NY and Philadelphia. Both in the courts, where a consortium fronted by Rube Foster succeeded in claiming title to the name Leland Giants from its very source- the now previous owner Frank Leland. Leland would make do with a very strong new team which meant Illinois witnessed first-class baseball. Further west, teams from Minnesota to Oklahoma were now paying the best local talent to play for them and so rivalries were heating up in almost every middle sized city.

The three 30 game winners were all Chicago’s, Frank Wickware (31-7, 355 IP), Pat Daugherty (31-10), Rube Foster (30-9, ERA league leading 1.32, by .46 over runner-up Illinois’ Walter Ball). Illinois’ Smokey Joe Williams (27-11) was the strikeout king with 223.

Six qualifiers bested .300: Chicago’s Pete Hill (.366, also the leader with 109 Runs, 43 D, 82 RBI, and OBP and SLG, .988 OPS) and Pop Lloyd (.359), NY’s Jewel Thomas (.336), Indiana’s Todd Allen (.316), St. Louis’ Joe Hewitt (.311) and Havana’s Regino Garcia (.304). Philadelphia’s Jesse Barber and Columbus’ Pelayo Chacon led with 19 T, and Illinois’ Zack Petus with 9 HR. Poles, Hewitt, and NY’s Philip Bradley each swiped over 50 bases.

The shift of talented players to the west had much to do with the financial power of Rube Foster, who was able to near double the wages of some. This changing of the guard had the noticeable effect of a power conflict between Nat Strong, who had a near vise-like grip of northeast bookings, and Foster, who had the fans’ support. As in 1940 with Ed Gottlieb, who had the rights on bookings at eastern ML parks, particularly Yankee Stadium, versus some of the owners who demanded access for themselves, this was on the surface another instance of black vs white. These arguments were more nuanced than that, but they played themselves out in public to no one’s benefit.

8 Hall of Famers (Rube Foster, Pete Hill, Pop Lloyd, Jose Mendez, Louis Santop, Ben Taylor, Sol White, Smokey Joe Williams) and 10 SOM Negro Stars (Bingo Demoss, Dizzy Dismukes, Home Run Johnson, Jimmie Lyons, Hurley McNair, Bill Monroe, Bruce Petway, Spot Poles, Candy Jim Taylor, Frank Wickware).

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