Negro Leagues

1935 Negro League Baseball Windows Season

$23.00In Stock
  • Legendary Pittsburgh Crawfords: Paige, Gibson, Bell and Charleston together
  • Blackball Stars: 18 Hall of Famers and 42 others from SOM’s Negro League Stars set
  • The Legend of Satchel Paige: The year he pitched without fielders
Full Summary

Perhaps no Negro League team ever amassed as much talent as the 1935 Pittsburgh Crawfords, which dominated as expected (.722 winning percentage, equivalent to 117 wins in a 162-game schedule) after putting Cool Papa Bell at the top of a lineup with sluggers Josh Gibson and Oscar Charleston, Hall of Famer Judy Johnson and such other Blackball legends as Sam Bankhead, Jimmy Crutchfield, Spoony Palm and Bill Perkins. In the first year of the lively ball that was cruel to pitchers, the Monarchs’ Satchel Paige went 21-4, 2.55 with 174 strikeouts in 212 innings (based on Major-League equivalencies projected to a 144-game schedule).

Still, Chicago’s Turkey Stearnes led in batting (.342) and OPS (.983), as teammate

Mules Suttles (.925 OPS) did in home runs (35) and RBI (119). Gibson was runner-up in home runs (32) and OPS (.976). Other regulars in the .900 OPS Strat-o-sphere were Homestead’s Buck Leonard (.954), KC’s Willard Brown (.918), Philadelphia’s Jud Wilson (.924) and Cuban Martin Dihigo (.922; 10-5 as a pitcher) … This is the year of the great legend of Paige who, when pitching for a semi-pro team, had all of his fielders except catcher Double Duty Radcliffe leave the field as Satchel worked the 9th inning.

Requires Strat-O-Matic Baseball 2016 or higher to play

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