Strat-O-Matic Football 2024

Ship CD

Ship CD

  • Sacks, stats and superstars: All the thrills of pro football
  • Computer coach, Netplay and autoplay … draft, trade, blog
  • All 2023 NFL teams included
Full Summary

There never has been a game quite like Strat-O-Matic Pro Football for head-to-head play value. A game-long battle of wits, you vs. friend, or you vs. the clever computer coach, awaits you. Rely on your best players or attack your foe’s weaknesses? Blitz, double-team, or put eight men in the box? Run a draw play or screen pass to discourage the blitz? Is this the moment you can catch the free safety out of position for the bomb? It’s all here, with each play in graphic animation and with a statistical breakdown so complete you can use it as a scouting report!

Powered by official averages and stats with exclusive Strat-O ratings; 

Enhanced by hundreds of hours of unique Strat-O research and statistical analysis

This version comes with all the 2023 NFL teams

See Product Listings for description of that season.


Strat-O-Matic Football 2024 is necessary to play the 2023 season. 

System Requirements: Requires Windows XP or higher (Note: older operating systems might work but will not officially be supported), 800 by 600 minimum screen resolution and an internet connection.

This Product is now available via E-Delivery. After purchase is completed, your product registration code can be found on your account page under License Keys as well as on your order invoice in your account page.

If you need technical assistance regarding E-Delivery products please contact Please read the information for E-Delivery products carefully before purchasing as these items are non-refundable.